Curriculum Core Values

A sequential, thematic curriculum

Connects learning across subjects and builds upon what learners already know; pupils know what is to be learnt and how, what it builds on, and what it builds towards so that they achieve a broad foundation of knowledge and skills.

Make learning enjoyable and challenging

Stimulates learning by ensuring teaching techniques and strategies respond to the needs of pupils. We promote a love of reading through sharing and investigating quality texts; provide a rich range of resources to enthuse children and enable learning to thrive; creating memorable moments of awe and wonder.

Enrich the learning experience

Invests in first-hand experience including visits and residentials to deepen knowledge and develop independence, resilience & confidence; Forest School for all children; whole school themed days to develop collaboration & citizenship.

Excellent behaviour

Ensures children are respectful & kind, develop intrinsic self regulation and the skills to enable effective learning; we use the Restorative Approach to behaviour management.

Proactively improve mental and physical health

Yoga, mindfulness, counselling with pets, Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA), Personal Social Health and Emotional education (PSHE), and an active sports program within school and in inter-school competitions. Make every child feel valued and secure. Help them develop the life skills to become well-rounded, emotionally & socially intelligent individuals.

Ensure every child succeeds

Provides an inclusive education within a culture of support and high expectations; track attainment and progress closely, and ensure interventions happen quickly and effectively where appropriate.

Develop learning partnerships

Enables parents to act as a key partner in their child’s education. Invests in continuous professional development of staff & governors: learn and apply best practice.

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